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Runna Week 03 – Redux Pt 3

At long last, I managed to complete the long 12 km run from Week 3! I got on the treadmill without any particular plan but then thought I’d give it a whirl. The run itself was 8 km at an easy pace and then 4 km at 8.3 km/h. I therefore chose 7.3km/h for the easy pace and it was thankfully OK. I inadvertently skipped the week’s 5 km run but I figured I can pick that up at any time.

Overall progress can be seen here.

WeekTo date
Distance12.03 km99.56 km
Time1h 42m 54s12h 40m 30s
Runalyze 50K Prognosis7h 15m 09s
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Runna Week 03 – Redux Pt 2

Blimey calf muscles can be really annoying! I decided on a long rest with a bit of cycling to fill the gaps and it was all going well. Then one night I decided to trot whilst walking the dog and my right calf felt a bit stiff afterwards. Was my own fault as I did no warm up at all and started off too fast. Annoyingly the dog loved it! Thankfully, my calf was just a bit tight rather than injured and the left calf felt absolutely fine. Anywyay, this evening I thought I’d have another go at Week 3 of my Runna training plan. and picked up on Run 2 – 6.2 km of Hill training leaving me with 5 km (Thursday) and 12 km (Saturday), classified as Easy and Long respectively. Previously I had to cut my 12 km run due to the original problem with my left calf back at the end of September.

On tonight’s effort I felt perfectly fine.

Overall progress can be seen here.

WeekTo date
Distance5.49 km87.53 km
Time45m 28s10h 57m 36s
Runalyze 50K Prognosis-
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Runna Week 03 – Redux

I thought I’d have another go at a light run on Monday and revisited Week 3 of my Runna training plan. As before the third week of my 50K training plan comprises four runs of 7 km (Monday) , 6.2 km (Wednesday), 5 km (Thursday) and 12 km (Saturday), classified as Easy, Hills, Easy and Long respectively. Previously I had to cut my 12 km run due to a problem with my left calf.

On Monday’s 7 km run I felt a slight tightness after the 6 km but up until that point felt perfectly fine.

Overall progress can be seen here.

WeekTo date
Distance7.03 km82.04 km
Time52m 45s10h 12m 08s
Runalyze 50K Prognosis6h 59m 08s
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Slow and Steady

Driven somewhat by my Apple Watch challenge for October of running or walking 3.65 km 14 times, I’ve been on the treadmill a couple of times this week for a walk. Tonight I mixed up the walk with a light job for a few 100 m and then back to a walk. Did this for about 5 km and I felt OK cald was still a little bit tight as I got to the end of some jogging sections but the walking kept things in check. I was using it tonight as a warm down after a 40 km cycle ride on Zwift so it killed two birds with one stone.



Well that’s typical! I was about 6 km into my end of Week 3 12 km training run and felt a little niggle in my left calf. I decided to walk for a bit to see how it felt. After another km it felt OK so I starting joging again and then shortly after I felt a sharp twinge. Oops. I had the exact same thing once before but when running at a faster pace. Annoyingly I was feeling really good otherwise – and testing out my Salomon ADV Hydra Vest 4 vest with soft flasks for the first time. This was surprisingly comfortable despite being a snug fit.

There is clearly one benefit of starting a training program so early – time to accommodate injuries. So I’m going to let this recover and then at some point will get back to the plan, probably picking up Week 3 again from the top.On the plus side I can probably do a bit more cycling now, just in time for Zwift‘s Tour of Watopia event. Every cloud…