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Runna Week 03

This week I’m on the third week of my 50K training plan. This comprises four runs of 7 km (Monday) , 6.2 km (Wednesday), 5 km (Thursday) and 12 km (Saturday), classified as Easy, Hills, Easy and Long respectively.

I had to swap my new Salomon Pulsar’s for my usual Adidas trainers during Monday’s run despite wearing two pairs of socks. The difference between the two shoes is like night and day so maybe the Salomon’s aren’t for me, or at least not on the treadmill.

Overall progress can be seen here.

WeekTo date
Distance17.70 km75.01 km
Time2h 12m9h 19m 23s
Runalyze 50K Prognosis7h 08m 08s
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Runna Week 02

Today I completed the second week of my 50K training plan. This was four runs of 7 km (Monday) , 7 km (Wednesday), 5 km (Thursday) and 10 km (Saturday), classified as Easy, On-Off Ks, Easy and Long respectively. I ran all these on the treadmill.

Annoyingly in the last run I had to swap out of my new Salomon Pulsar Trail Running Shoes to my usual Adidas 4DFWDs at the half way mark.

Overall progress can be seen here.

WeekTo date
Distance29.06 km57 km
Time3h 29m7h 7m 6s
Runalyze 50K Prognosis7h 13m 24s
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Runna Week 01

Today I completed the first week on my 50K training plan. This was four runs of 7 km (Monday) , 7 km (Wednesday), 6 km (Thursday) and 8 km (Saturday), classified as Easy, Intervals, Easy and Long respectively. I ran all these on the treadmill. Overall progress can be seen here.

WeekTo date
Distance28.15 km28.15 km
Time3h 37m3h 37m
Runalyze 50K Prognosis7h 20m 49s
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It’s On!

In a moment of madness (or sheer stupidity) I have managed to sign myself up for an Ultra marathon next year – the 2024 Chiltern 50 Ultra Challenge that starts and ends at Henley on Thames with an evelation of 920 m. The good news is that it’s over a year away so I should at least be able to put in some serious training! To that end I have signed up with Runna and enrolled on their 50 K training plan. The plan covers a 16-week period so I will be able to supplement it or even complete a couple of iterations.

So why a 50 K? Well aside from being a serious challenge it’s mainly because I think that the slower pace of a longer event like this would suit me better than a marathon or a half. Also there’s absolutely no shame in walking large parts of the distance! I think too that having a large event booked far in advance it will give me the impetus to enroll in other events along the way,