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Slow and Steady

Driven somewhat by my Apple Watch challenge for October of running or walking 3.65 km 14 times, I’ve been on the treadmill a couple of times this week for a walk. Tonight I mixed up the walk with a light job for a few 100 m and then back to a walk. Did this for about 5 km and I felt OK cald was still a little bit tight as I got to the end of some jogging sections but the walking kept things in check. I was using it tonight as a warm down after a 40 km cycle ride on Zwift so it killed two birds with one stone.



Well that’s typical! I was about 6 km into my end of Week 3 12 km training run and felt a little niggle in my left calf. I decided to walk for a bit to see how it felt. After another km it felt OK so I starting joging again and then shortly after I felt a sharp twinge. Oops. I had the exact same thing once before but when running at a faster pace. Annoyingly I was feeling really good otherwise – and testing out my Salomon ADV Hydra Vest 4 vest with soft flasks for the first time. This was surprisingly comfortable despite being a snug fit.

There is clearly one benefit of starting a training program so early – time to accommodate injuries. So I’m going to let this recover and then at some point will get back to the plan, probably picking up Week 3 again from the top.On the plus side I can probably do a bit more cycling now, just in time for Zwift‘s Tour of Watopia event. Every cloud…

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Runna Week 03

This week I’m on the third week of my 50K training plan. This comprises four runs of 7 km (Monday) , 6.2 km (Wednesday), 5 km (Thursday) and 12 km (Saturday), classified as Easy, Hills, Easy and Long respectively.

I had to swap my new Salomon Pulsar’s for my usual Adidas trainers during Monday’s run despite wearing two pairs of socks. The difference between the two shoes is like night and day so maybe the Salomon’s aren’t for me, or at least not on the treadmill.

Overall progress can be seen here.

WeekTo date
Distance17.70 km75.01 km
Time2h 12m9h 19m 23s
Runalyze 50K Prognosis7h 08m 08s
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Runna Week 02

Today I completed the second week of my 50K training plan. This was four runs of 7 km (Monday) , 7 km (Wednesday), 5 km (Thursday) and 10 km (Saturday), classified as Easy, On-Off Ks, Easy and Long respectively. I ran all these on the treadmill.

Annoyingly in the last run I had to swap out of my new Salomon Pulsar Trail Running Shoes to my usual Adidas 4DFWDs at the half way mark.

Overall progress can be seen here.

WeekTo date
Distance29.06 km57 km
Time3h 29m7h 7m 6s
Runalyze 50K Prognosis7h 13m 24s
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Runna Week 01

Today I completed the first week on my 50K training plan. This was four runs of 7 km (Monday) , 7 km (Wednesday), 6 km (Thursday) and 8 km (Saturday), classified as Easy, Intervals, Easy and Long respectively. I ran all these on the treadmill. Overall progress can be seen here.

WeekTo date
Distance28.15 km28.15 km
Time3h 37m3h 37m
Runalyze 50K Prognosis7h 20m 49s